
You Say Goodbye

The end of the school year is approaching, signaling senior skip day, beer pong, and saying goodbye to a whole group of people that I've grown accustomed to seeing everyday. A group of guys and gals [[ok, mostly guys ;)]] who made my daily life a little bit more fun. Its going to be weird not seeing you anymore, but honestly...


Because I have more important things to worry about. "But Sway," you ask, "what could be more important than saying goodbye to your friends, and wishing them luck as they head off to college?" And to this I answer one word: FINALS.

Finals are the bane of my high school existence. One, intimidating test, to measure the span of knowledge I have accumulated over the entire year. It is a daunting thing, taking a final, and many of us try our hardest to avoid them.

So, lately, I've been pouring over my chemistry book, my math book, and trying to pull up cliffnotes on about eight different novels I was supposed to have read this year. And I've come to the realization that I absorbed next to nothing over the course of the year. Nothing.

I can't balance chemical equations
I can't solve for the third angle of a kite
I can't pontificate on the social undertones of Upton Sinclair's "
The Jungle"

but as I've been trying to fill my head with all the information that I've managed to ignore this past year, I've realized that I remember a lot more valuable things. I remember piling 15 people into the bed of Jimmy's pick up truck and driving around Indian Mountain Lakes. I remember trying to teach Kyle how to insult our business teacher in Norwegian, but all he managed to do was ask where the suitcases were. I remember being the object of an impromptu lunch table game of Coin Star. I remember Hug Day, and that guy in the Strange Brew who asked my to sit on his lap. I remember the playboy party up at Tommy's house. I remember getting my ass kicked by God in one sick nasty game of guitar hero. I remember falling into Canada. I remember all the amazing things we did, all the mundane things we did, and all the great times we had doing them.

So, Seniors, I guess I am going to miss you. And I really think that all of you should help me study for my finals. Yeah, you should.